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- Create Date 06/07/2023
- Last Updated 06/07/2023
D5.6 Market replication activities
The deliverable D5.6 Market replication activities is the sixth deliverable of WP5 Impact Boosting Activities and aims to report the activities carried out under the Task 5.4 Market boosting and replication activities.
The present document is divided into the following chapters covering the objectives of the task which are to analyse the innovation potential of the results, to evaluate the replicability of the project’s outcomes in other markets and to gather customer feedback.
Chapter 1 Task strategy: this section describes the methodology used to plan the activities and reach the objectives related to replicability.
Chapter 2 KERs analysis: this section includes the analysis of the innovation potential of the KERs identified and characterised in T5.3 Exploitation activities. To this aim, the methodology of the Innovation Radar has been applied. The chapter includes a thoroughly analysis of each individual KER.
Chapter 3 Replicable markets: this chapter is devoted to identifying potential markets to apply MADRAS solutions and design specific uses cases per market to be analysed and prioritised.
Chapter 4 Demonstration events: this section details the two events carried out to demonstrate the projects’ results and get feedback from the market.
Chapter 5 Final conclusions