TECNOPACKAGING is a leading technology-based SME involved in the development of innovative polymeric materials and their transformation processes for packaging and industrial plastic applications, targeting companies which operate directly or indirectly in the agri-food, cosmetic, pharmaceutical and industrial sectors.
Thanks to the capabilities and skills of their researchers and business developers, TECNOPACKAGING integrates the necessary technical equipment for providing customers a comprehensive design of new products, from concept to prototype, including validation and development of the first series.
Contribution to MADRAS
TECNOPACKAGING, as the leader impact boosting activities, will perform market up-taking and replication activities and will act as broker for the products developed within the project. Additionally, to diminish time to market and maximize exploitation success, TECNOPACKAGING will show MADRAS demos to its customer networks to open MADRAS solutions to new strategic markets. It will also participate in the quality and management procedures.