Jon Eggert Carlé, a representative of the MADRAS partner infinityPV, shared some of the achievements collected by the project during the 15th International Symposium on Functional-pi Electron Systems (Fπ15), held on June 17th-21st, 2023, in Raleigh (North Carolina, United States).
In particular, he showcased the solar cell modules developed with the advanced materials and manufacturing processes boosted by the project. Also, demonstrators of in-mould processed solar cell modules were presented, showcasing the MADRAS outcome of integrating printed electronics into plastic parts.
Moreover, they also distributed MADRAS brochures to all attendees approaching their stand and displayed MADRAS audiovisual content.
The Fπ15 meeting has been the second largest conference in the field of organic electronics and has brought together experts and aspiring novices from around the world to showcase the important developments of pi-functional systems, their characteristics and applications.